WCW: Jillian Michaels

b7ece3b556b5436f592ba8d0ccab023a Jillian Michaels, for me, is up there with Tina Fey and Beyonce. She is brilliant, inspiring, has a fantastic personal brand, and is the perfect balance of positivity and ass-kickery. She’s got sass for everything. When you need to be reminded why you’re working out:



When you start thinking “oh this will be easy…” giphy-6 When you dig up every excuse in your arsenal to get out of squats…giphy-10 When there’s just… a few… more…giphy-11 I only have one of her DVDs (the 30 Day Shred), but definitely plan on getting more. Just restarted the 30 Day Shred yesterday and think I might try to keep it up during the Whole Life Challenge! jillian-michaels-700

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